


KALEIDOSCOPE is a pluralistic photo project. FORMAGENDA asked a wide array of photographers from across Europe to show how they see their universe. The products were assigned by lottery and the anti-briefing guaranteed a maximum of artistic freedom. Different daytimes, different latitudes, different contexts came together in one result: a kaleidoscopic whirlpool of the New Enlightenment.

E.T. by Sima Dehgani
MIRROR Wide by Johannes Bauer
PROFILE Floor by Conny Mirbach
CHAPLIN Floor by Manuel Nieberle

The campaign also builds the second half of the reversible FORMAGENDA 2022 catalogue. While the first half features the products and relevant information more traditionally, the reverse side shines in a KALEIDOSCOPE of styles.

Download KALEIDOSCOPE Catalogue

COPPOLA Chandelier by Johannes Bauer
E.T. by Sima Deghani
PEARLS Suspension by Carina Pilz
DON CAMILLO Table by Aylin Langreuter
MIRROR Square by SCHMOTT Studios
PEARLS Table by Zelinda Zanichelli
MIRROR Suspension by Kaveh Kasravi
DON CAMILLO Table by Tibor Bozi
PEARLS Double Suspension by Michael Wong
MIRROR Wide by Johannes Bauer
COPPOLA Table by Kaveh Kasravi
CHAPLIN Floor by Manuel Nieberle
PEARLS Double Table by Hannes Rohrer
PROFILE Floor by Conny Mirbach
E.T. by Tibor Bozi
PEARLS Chandelier by Sonja Müller
PEPPONE Table by Daniel Mayer
CHAPLIN Table by Alexander Fthenakis
PROFILE Table by Gerhardt Kellermann
PEARLS Double Suspension by SCHMOTT Studios
PEPPONE Table by Denis Pernath
CHAPLIN Wall by Jörg Koopmann
PEARLS Table by Bettina von Zwehl
PEPPONE Wall by Magnus Lechner
PEARLS Wall by Sima Deghani
PROFILE Suspension by Unterteller
PROFILE Floor by Markus Jans